Just remember that the earlier versions is not as cross compatible as DX9,10 and If possible, install the DX that is on the disk! If you have a Win7 install, you can try one of the solutions on this page. I believe there is a site that provides old copies of DX, but I will not link it because I don't know the site or used it. Put your time into getting it to run on XP instead. Fifth: Trying to run the game in Windows 8. There is a lot of people that bought the steam version with CTD crash to desktop problems. Fourth: You could try to reclaim it on steam or buy a new copy if possiblebut there is a good chance that it might still give you a bunch of issues. Normally this is a long shot and it wont work. Third: Try running the game in compatibility mode. SecondlyMake sure you installed the DirectX that is on the disk. Trying to run the game in VBox will most likely fail if it is DX based. In the XP, all the other computers were Virtual Machines, run in Virtual Box it installed properly, as it did in all the other computers, but it would always have problems initialising DirectX. So, I've tried this game on many, many computers, including my main Windows 8. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. To check your Mac model and when it was released, select About This Mac from the Apple menu on your menu bar.By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.